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Meet the Artists 藝術家面對面
5:00 PM17:00

Meet the Artists 藝術家面對面

NockArt Gallery is proud to present the work of Australian artists and longtime friends Elisabeth Cummings and Luke Sciberras. Completed in early 2015 as part of a Hong Kong residency program the paintings include “en plein air” works on paper and larger works in oil that were completed in a local studio. The striking visuals of the city have been synthesized and interpreted by the artists and the collaboration represents a body of work that will resonate with those who love the urban metropolis that is Hong Kong.

NockArt畫廊向您榮譽呈現兩位互為良師益友的澳大利亞的藝術家,Elisabeth Cummings 與 Luke Sciberras的畫作展。本次展覽的畫作將包括兩位藝術家2015年初來香港參加藝術家駐留項目時,在戶外寫生時在畫紙上完成的作品及在香港畫室裡完成的大幅油畫作品。兩位藝術家心領神會香港的旖旎風光且以畫道志,傳神地表達出無數人對香港這座大都市的熱愛。

Before the official opening of the show, NockArt Gallery is honoured to be able to invite Elisabeth Cummings and Luke Sciberras to 'Meet the Artists', a new series of event that offer art lovers and collectors the opportunity to chat with the artists face-to-face. Elisabeth and Luke will not only talk about the passion and inspiration they found in Hong Kong, but also share with the public their creativity and experience when producing this series of paintings.

在畫展正式開幕之前,NockArt畫廊非常榮幸能夠邀請到這次畫展的主角,Elisabeth Cummings 與 Luke Sciberras 來到藝術家面對面。藝術家面對面是一個新的活動系列,旨在為藝術愛好者和收藏家們提供與藝術家親密接觸的機會。在本次活動上,Elisabeth 與 Luke 不僅會談及他們香港之行的收穫與體驗,也會與大家分享他們此系列畫作的創作心得。

Charges: Free of charge. Canapes and drinks will be provided.


Time: 13th October 2015, 5pm -8pm


Address: 16/A Kwai Bo Industrial Building, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Rd


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